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Showing posts from June, 2021


  Scientific name:- Ocimum basilicum L Family:- lamiaceae The major organic chemical compound present in the basil is estragole.          estragole  Medicinal properties:- Antimicrobial Antispasmodic Medicinal uses:- Because of antibacterial properties of basil, it has been used as a antibacterial agent to kill the bacteria like E.coli bacteria and many other bacterias. It is Used as a antifungal agent against aspargillus and rhizocaticol It has been used in the treatment of gonorrhea, dysentery, chronic diarrhea, wound healing, pimples, skin infections and against different varieties of bacterial diseases. It is a very good source of beta carotene. Normally beta carotene help to prevent damage to the cells by free radicals. Magnesium is essential mineral present in basil which helps the heart and  blood vessels to relax, improving blood flow. Other nutrients and also found in basil include iron calcium potassium and vitamin c. Other applications:- Essential oil of basil have been used


  Scientific name:- Mentha piperita Family:- Lamiaceae The major organic chemical compound present in the mint is menthol . menthol Medicinal properties:- Anti viral, antibacterial, anti inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, antiasthmatic. Medicinal uses:- Mental used for relaxing the muscles of the throat helping to stop the coughing and cure the sore throat. Drinking mint tea helps a lot to reduced sensation of heavy stomach. It helps moving the gas through the body and stimulate the bile flow. Because of mint contains menthol, this can cause sweating and internally cooling down your body. mint tea is also a great option for reducing bad breath. Mint is used for reduce stress and helps to treat dandruff by reducing itchiness and soothing dry scalps.


  Scientific name:- Syzygium aromaticum Family:- Myrtaceae The major organic chemical compound present in the clove is eugenol . eugenol Medicinal properties:- Antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antiplatelet, anti stress, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, insect repellent. Medicinal uses:- Clove is used to relieve pain from cavities and sore gums, also improves overall dental health. eugenol in combination with zinc oxide is used for temporary filling of cavities. Clove act as a aphrodisiac agent ( increasing sexual desires). Aromatherapist pure clove oil to cure the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. Clove is used as a carminative, to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach and to improve the function of digestive system. Clove boost the immune system by purifying the blood and help to fight against various diseases. Clove benefits for the diabetic patients by controlling blood glucose level. Eugenol is powerful enough preventing blood clots. Chewing of a clove bed


  scientific name:- Elettaria cardamomum Family:- Zingiberaceae major organic chemical compound present in cardamom is 1,8 cineole . 1,8 cineole Medicinal properties:- Antioxidant antidiabetic antibacterial anticancer insecticidal gastroprotective diuretic. Medicinal uses:- Cardamom  is used to treating various health problems such as bronchitis, asthma, constipation, cold , cough, diuretic, carminative, teeth and gum infections, urinary and kidney disorders, congestion of lungs. Cardamom was used to treat stomach ache, bladder infections and dysentery in children. Cardamom also been used to treat food poisoning in Ayurveda medicine. Cardamom powder drink  is also an antidote for snake and scorpion venom. The consumption of cardamom capsule reduces inflammation and headache. Cardamom are considered as excellent digestive medicine and balancing Kappa mainly in stomach and lungs. Cardamom seeds are chewed to avoid bad breath, vomiting and indigestion. Cardamom capsules reduces the caffei