scientific name:- Elettaria cardamomum
Family:- Zingiberaceae
major organic chemical compound present in cardamom is 1,8 cineole.
Medicinal properties:-
Antioxidant antidiabetic antibacterial anticancer insecticidal gastroprotective diuretic.
Medicinal uses:-
Cardamom is used to treating various health problems such as bronchitis, asthma, constipation, cold , cough, diuretic, carminative, teeth and gum infections, urinary and kidney disorders, congestion of lungs.
Cardamom was used to treat stomach ache, bladder infections and dysentery in children.
Cardamom also been used to treat food poisoning in Ayurveda medicine.
Cardamom powder drink is also an antidote for snake and scorpion venom.
The consumption of cardamom capsule reduces inflammation and headache.
Cardamom are considered as excellent digestive medicine and balancing Kappa mainly in stomach and lungs.
Cardamom seeds are chewed to avoid bad breath, vomiting and indigestion.
Cardamom capsules reduces the caffeine constituents in coffee . the combination of cardamom and coffee is called 'gavah' which is popular in Arabian cultural to relieve headache and stress.
Consumption of cardamom daily with a tablespoon of honey improves the eyesight.
Intake of cardamom increases urine production.
Cardamom capsules and seeds are rich sources of antioxidant substances that is neutralize free radicals by preventing oxidation of other compounds.
Cardamom improved activity of the detoxifying enzyme glutathione s- transferase and reduce lipid peroxidation.
Cardamom has potential broad spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal activities that could be used to prevent damage from food borne pathogens and food spoilage organism.
Cardamom component had synergistic effects with 1,8 cineole and enhanced the penetration of medicines. Hence addition of cardamom in ointment and lotions increases the absorption of medicines through the skin.
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