scientific name:- piper nigrum
Family:- piperaceae
major organic chemical compound present in the pepper is piperine.
Medicinal properties:-
Anticarcinogenic, anti inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, immune enhancer, antioxidant, antipyretic, antimicrobial, anti ulcer, antiperiodic.
Medicinal uses:-
Pepper helps our digestive system works properly, improves appetite, cure cold, cough, disease of the throat, intermittent fever, dysentery worms and piles.
Pepper used as pain reliever because of its analgesic property.
It is used as a fever reducer because of its antipyretic property.
In ayurvedic medicine, paper is mixed with ghee to treat external problem, nosal congestion, sinusitis, skin eruptions and epilepsy.
Pepper promotes the rapid absorption of certain chemical from the gastro-intestinal protecting them from broke down by chemicals in the intestinal lumen and by enzymes that occur in the cells lining .
Pepper has a high degree of the stimulating and carminative properties causing a reflex flow of saliva with increased secretion of gastric juice and improved appetite.
Black pepper is used as remedy for hemorrhoids.
Chemical compound present in the pepper can increase absorption of some minerals and vitamins like selenium, vitamin B, beta carotene and curcumin into our body.
Pepper also helped us to reduce cholesterol level in our blood.
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