Scientific name - Capsicum annuum
Family:- Solanaceae
The major organic chemical compound present in the capsicum is capsaicin.
Medicinal properties:-
Antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, cholesterol-lowering, anti inflammatory.
Medicinal uses:-
Traditionally, capsicum has been used for its stimulant actions especially with respect to circulatory and digestive system.
Capsicum helps increase blood flow in our body body, thus allaying peripheral vascular disorder, decrease blood pressure, tonify the nervous system, increase appetite relieve indigestion and act as a carminative (relieve gas and flatulence).
Capsicum is used as stimulant to the digestive system.
Capsicum is used to increase the blood circulation and reduce the high blood pressure and also reduce the high cholesterol level in blood and prevention of heart diseases.
Capcium reduce blood clotting tendency by reducing platelet aggregation and increasing fibrinolytic activities.
Capsaicin and its analogues have been used in topical creams and patches to treat chronic pain syndrome such as Post-herpetic neuralgia musculoskeletal pain, diabetic nephropathy, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Capsicum has also been applied to treat pain from rashes, psoriasis, mastectoms and bladder disorders.
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