Scientific name:- Rosmarinus officinalis
Family:- Lamiaceae
The major organic chemical compound present in the rosemary is 1,8 cineole and alpha-pinene.
Medicinal properties:-
Antifungal, Antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, an anti-depressant.
Medicinal uses:-
ü Carnosic acid is one of the chemical components present in herb rosemary, this protects your eyes from macular degeneration.
ü When infused into an oil and applied externally it is found to reduce joint pain.
ü Rosemary speeds the healing of wounds and even eczema.
ü Rosemary rinse will cure dandruff and stimulate hair growth.
ü Rosemary boosts mental activity, relieves respiratory problems, relieves menstrual problems.
ü It prevents peptic ulcers, leukemia, and kidney stones and also protects the body cells and DNA from free radical damage.
ü It encourages enzymes that flush harmful toxins out of the liver and body.
ü It reduces blood sugar levels, so it is used to treat diabetic patients.
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